Dear friends and future partners!
Thank you for your interest in the project and your will to inspire and motivate people!

You are the foundation of G-Landia project and we appreciate your needs and requirements.

Taking into account your business interests, we have done everything to make it profitable for you to participate in the project and in real life of people.

Here are the main advantages for the organizations and celebrities:

1. Every month-30 minutes of free advertising time with the help of interactive map of your city - " G-Map»

2. Placement of information about your organization and its offers in the internal search system "G-Base".

3. Access to the target audience through a clear understanding of the real interests of people and their new needs. As a result, strong relationships with current customers and fast attraction of potential ones.

4. Simplified search for quality employees and partners through the rating system and understanding of the true qualities and values of the person.

5. Formation of a strong and loyal customer base through participation in the life of users.

6. Reduction of PR and Brand Awareness expenses.

7. Participation in an interesting and useful global movement.

8. Formation of a positive image of a socially significant organization.

9. The ability to receive valuable gifts and additional advertising time from us (providing that users rate your motivational offers above 80%).

10. Purchases by us, your goods and services at the expense of the Fund and drawing them on your behalf among the participants of the project, as motivational prizes.

We are sure that this is only the beginning and soon you will discover many more benefits for yourself and your company.

The only thing we ask is to make them really interesting and motivating for people.

Pavel Suvorov and our G-team

By registering right now, you get the opportunity to place your motivational offers on our resources for 3 months,
absolutely free!
By clicking the button you agree our Privacy Policy

Please fell free to ask us any questions!

See you soon!

From Pasha, Masha and Russia with